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  • For the duration of the allocation, every project has been granted an allocation to be shared among team members. The resources that are initially enabled do not include access to the SDF or CS-2s, as those are enabled only after finishing the initial training material and submitting the key metrics of interest form.

The grants include the following resources:


  • Neocortex SDF - 1000 core-hours
  • Neocortex CS-2 - 100 CS-2 hours.


  • Bridges-2 Regular Memory - 50000 core-hours
  • Bridges-2 Extreme Memory - 1000 core-hours
  • Bridges-2 GPU-AI - 2500 GPU-hours
  • Bridges-2 Ocean - 1000 GB

  • How to check your grant allocation id?

    • You can use the projects or groups command to find your allocation id (GRANT_ID) from inside Neocortex (or Bridges-2).

      $ projects

      $ groups

      Please keep your GRANT_ID handy as you would need it for accessing your project folder.

  • Grant extension

    • If a team needs more than the initial resources awarded, they are encouraged to apply for an extension.
    • Please send a request to including a detailed summary of how the resources were used and the plan for the additional resources requested.

Managing Multiple Grants

  • Changing your Neocortex allocation group?

    • If you are part of multiple grants, then make sure your charge GROUPID is correctly set. For consulting your default charge GROUPID, use the projects command. To temporarily change your charge GROUPID for the current login session, please run the following command:

      newgrp GROUPID

      The effects of this command take place immediately.

    • In order to make the Neocortex grant your default charge GROUPID, please run the following commands:

      • To see all your groups:

        change_primary_group -l

      • To change your default group:

        change_primary_group GROUPID

      It may take up to an hour for the default charge group change to propagate. The change will last across login sessions.